Sweet Bee Services

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Meet Our Team Series: Discover the Hearts of Our Hive!

Welcome to our exciting new blog series, "Meet Our Team," where we invite you to get to know the talented individuals who make Sweet Bee Services the incredible agency it is today. In this series, we will introduce you to our diverse group of multidisciplinary professionals who work tirelessly to support our clients just like you. Each person brings their unique skills, experiences, and passions to the table, ensuring you are equipped with the education and support you need to have an empowered experience. Join us as we dive into the stories and personalities that make up our exceptional team!

Blog #1: Doula Leah: Leading the Fight to End Maternal Mortality

In our first installment, we introduce you to Leah Hairston, the visionary and founder of Sweet Bee Services. Learn about her journey and how her unwavering passion for ending maternal mortality led to the creation of Sweet Bee Services. Discover how Leah’s journey and passions continue to shape our organization's values and goals.

Blog #2: Erika Watson-Lawson: Our Doula Dietitian

In our second blog post, we shine the spotlight on Erika Watson-Lawson, our doula dietitian. Learn about Erika’s unique perspective in supporting birthing bodies from her personal experiences and how they intersect with her professional expertise as a doula, dietitian, and postpartum fitness instructor.

Blog #3: Sonya Worthy-Okolo: Our Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

Our third blog post introduces you to Sonya Worthy-Okolo, our pelvic floor physical therapist and birth doula. Learn about Sonya’s unique perspective in supporting the physical health of clients. What is the pelvic floor? Why does everyone need therapy for it?? Come read all about it!

Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to unveil the incredible personalities that form the backbone of Sweet Bee Services. Through this blog series, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the people who bring passion, expertise, and dedication to every aspect of our organization. Stay tuned for the upcoming blog posts where we unravel the additional stories behind our exceptional team members!